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Business College


Before progressing with the use of any Beaumont Business College service users must first agree to our terms as stated below. These Terms and Conditions form the agreement between Beaumont College (also referred to as, Beaumont, The College, BC, we, our) and the student or teacher (also referred to as, the user,  you, your, the applicant, applicants). It is the student’s  responsibility to fully read, understand and agree to all Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy and Fees & Charges prior to enrolling. 

These Terms and Conditions govern your access to, and use of, the Beaumont College website and materials, including any content, features, manuals, articles, designs, layout, templates, and services that reside in them. This Agreement alongside the specific policies for different products and services we offer, is a part of the legal framework that governs the use of the Beaumont services and entities.

“Services” includes: (i) Beaumont websites, including the course and lesson pages, affiliated social media entities; (ii) forums; (iii) Beaumont support services; (iv) news and email services; (v) any affiliation service; (vi) Beaumont Resources; and (vii) any other service we add to our offering.

We reserve the right to change this policy at any time. To ensure that you are up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit this page.

  1. Do not submit an enrolment form if you have not read and understood all Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statement, and Fees & Charges.

  2. For courses that are free, no charge for that enrolled course will ever be made or asked for. The free courses are 100% free at the time of enrollment. 

  3. If you do not understand and agree to the following Terms and Conditions below then you agree to cease making any further use of the Beaumont site and services immediately.
Beaumont Logo
  • 1. Admission Criteria

  • 1.1 For entry into self-paced courses, you must be at least 18 years of age, or of an age that legally allows you to undertake the offered course in your country of residence at the time of enrollment.

    1.2 Applicants must also possess the necessary skills to reasonably undertake the course. This entails that you (the applicant) have the English language, literacy and numeracy skills to be able to satisfactorily complete the desired program.

    1.3 The student takes responsibility for assessing their ability for all the required skills required to complete their chosen course detailed in point 1.2.

    1.4 The student understands that no formal testing of English language ability, numeracy or any other associated required skill is undertaken by Beaumont.  If students encounter deficits in their knowledge or skills to complete their course they agree to undertake independent training they choose, and at their own cost, to overcome their deficit as they see fit to complete their Beaumont course to a level of their choosing. 

    To help you assess your ability to complete a desired course you are encouraged to view the sample lessons provided on the Beaumont website prior to enrolling in any course.

  • 2. Enrollments

  • 2.1 Your completed online enrollment form acts as confirmation that you accept and commit to paying the fees, as they are stated on the online fees and charges for your chosen course, and / or via a payment portal.

    2.2 For any forms submitted electronically, in lieu of your signature, you will need to read and agree to the terms and conditions, Privacy Statement and Fees & Charges online to submit your form, by doing so you accept the terms and conditions fully.

    2.3 Ticking all required boxes, detailed in 2.2, prior to submitting an enrollment form confirms and verifies that the student has a full understanding of all terms & conditions, fees & charges and knowingly and willingly accepts all terms.

    2.4 Within 24 hours of receiving your enrollment confirmation email you will be issued an email containing your student information.  Students should monitor their email spam and trash folders as emails may be directed to these locations. It is the student”s responsibility to organise their email accounts in an appropriate manner to receive Beaumont emails. 

    NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to make a note of their user name and password at the time of enrollment. The College does not see, know or make a record of student’s passwords. Students are able to reset their passwords from their student account page – this requires them to know their student email address or registered name with Beaumont. 

    2.5 In the event that you do not receive an email within 48 hours of enrollment you should contact the College administration (here) and notify them of the situation. 

    2.6 Students are responsible their stable internet access, printer, and software they may require as part of their studies with Beaumont College. For more information refer to the FAQ section here, and the Student Resources page here

  • 3. Course Materials


    3.1.1 As an online course, course materials are provided as soft copy, that is, students are issued log in and password details to access course materials online.  No hard copy materials and/or textbooks are provided.

    3.1.2 It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they have access to their own computer, printer, and internet access for the duration of their course. Extensions are not permitted on the grounds of failure to ensure these resources.

    3.1.3 The College does not require students to purchase text books however links to educational resources may be provided free of charge. The provision or withdrawal of these resources may change without notice.

    3.1.4 Online course materials, including but not limited to, lessons, workbooks social media posts, blog articles, may be revised or amended at anytime the College deems necessary. Students will be notified of any substantial changes to the course materials via the email address with which they are registered, and via College associated social media entities as we see appropriate.

    3.1.5 It is the student’s responsibility to allow official notifications, such as emails and social media notifications, from the College that relate to their studies. Students have the right to deny or restrict College notifications. Should students elect to deny notifications the College shall not be held responsible for any outcomes that arise as a consequence of this. 


    3.2.1 The content displayed on the Beaumont website, workbooks and its associated entities is the property of the Beaumont Business College. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.


    3.3.1 All information provided by, in or on any Beaumont entity is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information from any Beaumont entity, you do so at your own risk.

    3.3.2 While the information Beaumont entities has been verified to the best of our knowledge, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.

  • 4. Transfers & Extensions


    4.1.1 Students are not permitted to transfer between courses once enrollment has been finalized.

    4.1.2 Students should carefully read and consider the course information provided on each program of study prior to commencement.

    4.1.3 Additionally, a course cannot be transferred from one student to a different individual once enrollment has been completed.

    4.1.4 The name under which the student enrolls is the name used for graduation and the testamur (certificate). It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure that they are completely knowledgeable with all course requirements prior to enrolling. 


    4.2.1 Students can obtain a 2 week extension at no charge for their course on the grounds of illness or other serious and unavoidable circumstances.

    4.2.2 To apply for an extension students must contact the College administration (details on the Help page of the site) and make a formal request for the extension, detailing the nature of the unavoidable circumstances or illness and provide a letter from an authorised body attesting to the circumstances. The extension is added to the course expiry date. 

    4.2.3 For non-critical circumstances (e.g. holidays, marriage etc.) additional extensions can be purchased at $100.00 per month, for a maximum total of 3-months. These extensions run consecutively and commence from the date requested by the student.

    4.2.4 Extensions cannot be given more than 3 months in advance of the commencement date, and must be paid in advance prior to the granting of the extension. Refer to the Beaumont College website for individual course durations and/or for details of time allocated to complete your course and graduate.

  • 5. Refund Policy

  • 5.1) Students enrolled in self-paced programs are considered to have commenced their course from the date that they receive their enrollment notification and course access details.

    5.2) It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have a complete understanding of all course requirements prior to enrolling.


    5.2.1) If a student has paid course fees and administration charges in full prior course commencement and submitted the Beaumont College Cancellation Request Form within either 14 days from their Enrollment date AND prior to progressing past the completion of the first subject (whichever falls first), a refund of 50% of the course fee will be issued within 30 working days. Administration charges are non refundable.

    5.2.2) Any 3rd party transaction fees incurred by The College for processing refunds will be deducted from the refund amount. Additionally, the College applies a $100 processing fee to cover administration costs for all refunds.


    5.3.1) Students on full scholarships, in which course fees have been waived, are not entitled to refunds as no course fees were paid. Administration fees are not refundable.

    5.3.2) If a student has received a scholarship offer, but not enrolled no course or administration fees apply. The College reserves the right to withdraw the scholarship offer if it has not been redeemed after 3 weeks of offer.

    5.3.3) It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they apply their scholarship code when enrolling and are satisfied with the fee charged before proceeding with their order. If students or teachers make a mistake, or fail to apply their code, then no refunds are given. 


    5.4.1) Students on partial scholarships, in which a percentage of course fees have been waived, are entitled to a refund under the same conditions as full fee paying (non scholarship) students detailed above.

  • 6. Graduation

  • 6.1) Upon successful completion of courses students, deemed by the student, will be provided with a link to a course testamur. The student may print these for their records and public display.

    6.2) The College does not provide framed certificates. However, students may have their certificates framed according to their personal preferences. 

    6.3) Hard copies of graduation documents are not provided. Certificates of Attainment are populated with the completion date and the student’s name under which they enrolled. Accordingly, it is strongly suggested students enroll under their legal name.

    6.4) Beaumont College takes no responsibility for the name under which students enroll and changes will not be made to the student name once course completion has passed under any circumstances.

    6.5) Records of student progress, day or registration, and graduation, are kept in a secure online location (see the Privacy Policy).

    6.6) While the College retains a record of your results students are advised to keep a copy of their graduation documents in a secure location such as cloud storage or attached as an email to themselves.

    6.7) If students require a replacement of their testamur they must make a written request to the College, setting out your reasons and providing sufficient identification that has been notorised by a Justice of the Peace or other accredited body. The replacement testamur is in the form of a PDF emailed to the student email address used at the time of enrollment. A $100.00 replacement fee applies per document.

    6.8) After the expiry date of their course access students will no longer have access to course materials. Students retain the use of all workbooks during and after graduation. For course access duration refer to the course pages. 

  • 7. Equity

  • 7.1) Beaumont College is committed to ensuring that the learning environment is free from discrimination and harassment. In the event that discrimination or harassment is found to have occurred, disciplinary action will be taken against any staff member or fellow student who breaches this policy.

    7.2) Suspected criminal behaviour will be reported to police authorities immediately.

    7.3) Students should expect fair and friendly behaviour from all Beaumont College representatives and fellow students.

    7.4) Students who feel that they have been discriminated against, bullied or harassed should report this information to the College. This will initiate a complaints handling procedure (detailed below) which will be fair and transparent and will protect your rights as a complainant.

  • 8. Complaints & Appeals

    8.1.1) A complaint is negative feedback received by The College about services or staff which has not been resolved locally. Complaints should be made via email, or to a social media moderator, and they do not need to be formally documented in order to be acted on. Complaints may be made by any person but are generally made by students and/or College representatives.

    8.2.1) An appeal is an application by a student for reconsideration of an unfavourable resolution to a complaint.

    8.2.2) An appeal must be made in writing and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of informing the student of the decision or finding. 

    8.2.3) Complaints and Appeals are managed at Beaumont in accordance with the principles of ‘procedural fairness’, also known as ‘natural justice’.

    Both terms are used interchangeably. The opportunity to be heard by an impartial decision maker is at the heart of the rules of procedural fairness/natural justice. It requires a procedurally fair hearing and an unbiased decision being made. All parties to a complaint (complainant and respondent) must be afforded natural justice.

    These rules of Natural Justice apply whenever the rights or legitimate expectations of an  individual are affected by a decision. Satisfying the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness will vary according to the specific circumstances. There are however important basic principles that apply to every situation. 

    Natural Justice requires:

    • The right to be heard;
    • The right to be treated without bias;
    • A decision being based on relevant evidence.



    When a complaint is raised, Beaumont will maintain confidentiality to the maximum extent possible, taking into account its obligation to provide a safe  environment and to afford natural justice to those against whom a complaint is made. Students, employees or representatives of Beaumont who are directly involved with a complaint or an accompanying investigation must maintain confidentiality. A failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

    Where an allegation is made against another person, that person is entitled to be afforded natural justice – a right to have their side of the story heard and respond to those allegations. When a complaint is raised, Beaumont will appoint someone (internal or external to the company) to investigate the complaint.
    This person will collect and consider all relevant evidence before making a determination. Complaints Persons are to remain impartial, as far as is reasonably practicable.
    Victimisation means adversely treating a student or employee who has raised a complaint or has assisted someone in raising a complaint. Victimisation is unlawful and will not be tolerated at Beaumont College. Any incidents of victimisation should be immediately reported to The College.

    Once a concern or a complaint has been raised options include following The College internal informal or formal procedure, or raising the complaint with an external agency.

    (i) Students agree to seek a reasonable solution to their complaint via the Beaumont informal procedures first. Should the informal resolution procedure not deliver an outcome acceptable to either the College or student, the student agrees to seek reasonable solution to their complaint via the College’s stated formal procedures.

    (ii) Should the formal procedures also not provide a resolution to the complaint to the satisfaction of all parties involved, then the complainant agrees to have the case heard in the small claims court, Brisbane, Australia. 

    8.3.5 Free Courses
    We do not enter into any complaints process for free courses. If students are not satisfied with their free course then they agree to stop accessing the course and all Beaumont materials, and agree that no further recourse or discussion will be entered into by them (the student), the College, or any 3rd parties. 

  • 9. Complaint Procedures


    9.1.1) The informal complaint procedure is suited to less serious issues, such as interpersonal conflict with a College representative, fellow student, or the application of College policies and procedures. The informal procedure may also be appropriate where the parties are likely to continue working together. In these cases the student may email The College detailing the nature of their complaint. If any supporting evidence is required it will be requested. 

    9.1.2) If the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the matter will be concluded. If the matter is not resolved, the supervisor handling the complaint will determine whether any further action is required. The complainant may also make a formal complaint. For efficiency, information collected during the informal complaint procedure may be provided to the person handling the formal complaint.


    Stage One – Formal Complaint
    9.2.1) Formal complaints must be submitted in writing to the College here. Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days and the complaints process will commence within 10 days of the receipt of the written complaint and all reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable.

    9.2.2) The College representative will then, if necessary, seek to clarify the outcome that the complainant hopes to achieve. Such clarification may be sought by written or verbal request at an interview with the complainant. When such clarification occurs in a face-to-face interview (Zoom) the complainant or respondent may ask another person to accompany them.

    9.2.3) The College representative will then endeavour to resolve the complaint and provide a written report to the complainant on the steps taken to address the complaint, including the reasons for the decision, within 10 working days. The report will further advise the complainant of their right to access the internal appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their formal complaint.

    Stage Two – Internal Appeal
    9.2.4) If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they may lodge an appeal by writing to the College Head of School. Where possible such consultations should take the form of face-to-face interviews. The complainant or the respondent may ask another person to accompany them to these interviews.

    Following the consultation, the Head of School, or their nominee, will provide a written report to the complainant advising the further steps taken to address the complaint, including the reasons for the decision, within 10 working days. The report will further advise the complainant of their right to access the external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their internal appeal.

    Stage Three – External Appeal
    9.2.5) If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their appeal, they may make a written request to The College that they wish the matter be dealt with through an external dispute resolution process facilitated by an independent third party mediator acceptable to both parties. While the College aims to resolve complaints internally, students may seek the assistance of an outside agency at any time and/or lodge a formal complaint with Queensland Fair Trading:



    At any stage during the informal or formal complaint procedure, the complainant may withdraw or discontinue their complaint. If the complaint is being handled under the formal complaint procedure, the withdrawal or discontinuance should be made in writing. If a complaint is withdrawn or discontinued the College may still take action to address the issues raised in the complaint, if the College considers it appropriate to do so. 

    Beaumont College encourages the reporting of behaviours that a student genuinely believes to be discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying.

    9.4.1) However, if a complaint is found to be frivolous, vexatious or malicious, then appropriate disciplinary action up to, but not limited to, student expulsion and, in the case of criminal activity, to the police.

    Examples of frivolous, vexatious or malicious complaints include:

    • Fabricating a complaint against the college, its employees or representatives, or other students
    • Making a complaint with the intention of deliberately harming someone (e.g. for the purposes of revenge)
    • Making a meritless complaint to harass or sub-due someone
    • Seeking to re-agitate issues that have already been addressed or determined
    • Making a complaint against reasonable management actions
    • Making a complaint that the complainant does not genuinely believe to be true.

1.1 For entry into self-paced courses, you must be at least 18 years of age, or of an age that legally allows you to undertake the offered course in your country of residence at the time of enrollment.

1.2 Applicants must also possess the necessary skills to reasonably undertake the course. This entails that you (the applicant) have the English language, literacy and numeracy skills to be able to satisfactorily complete the desired program.

1.3 The student takes responsibility for assessing their ability for all the required skills required to complete their chosen course detailed in point 1.2.

1.4 The student understands that no formal testing of English language ability, numeracy or any other associated required skill is undertaken by Beaumont.  If students encounter deficits in their knowledge or skills to complete their course they agree to undertake independent training they choose, and at their own cost, to overcome their deficit as they see fit to complete their Beaumont course to a level of their choosing. 

To help you assess your ability to complete a desired course you are encouraged to view the sample lessons provided on the Beaumont website prior to enrolling in any course.

2.1 Your completed online enrollment form acts as confirmation that you accept and commit to paying the fees, as they are stated on the online fees and charges for your chosen course, and / or via a payment portal.

2.2 For any forms submitted electronically, in lieu of your signature, you will need to read and agree to the terms and conditions, Privacy Statement and Fees & Charges online to submit your form, by doing so you accept the terms and conditions fully.

2.3 Ticking all required boxes, detailed in 2.2, prior to submitting an enrollment form confirms and verifies that the student has a full understanding of all terms & conditions, fees & charges and knowingly and willingly accepts all terms.

2.4 Within 24 hours of receiving your enrollment confirmation email you will be issued an email containing your student information.  Students should monitor their email spam and trash folders as emails may be directed to these locations. It is the student”s responsibility to organise their email accounts in an appropriate manner to receive Beaumont emails. 

NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to make a note of their user name and password at the time of enrollment. The College does not see, know or make a record of student’s passwords. Students are able to reset their passwords from their student account page – this requires them to know their student email address or registered name with Beaumont. 

2.5 In the event that you do not receive an email within 48 hours of enrollment you should contact the College administration (here) and notify them of the situation. 

2.6 Students are responsible their stable internet access, printer, and software they may require as part of their studies with Beaumont College. For more information refer to the FAQ section here, and the Student Resources page here


3.1.1 As an online course, course materials are provided as soft copy, that is, students are issued log in and password details to access course materials online.  No hard copy materials and/or textbooks are provided.

3.1.2 It is the students’ responsibility to ensure they have access to their own computer, printer, and internet access for the duration of their course. Extensions are not permitted on the grounds of failure to ensure these resources.

3.1.3 The College does not require students to purchase text books however links to educational resources may be provided free of charge. The provision or withdrawal of these resources may change without notice.

3.1.4 Online course materials, including but not limited to, lessons, workbooks social media posts, blog articles, may be revised or amended at anytime the College deems necessary. Students will be notified of any substantial changes to the course materials via the email address with which they are registered, and via College associated social media entities as we see appropriate.

3.1.5 It is the student’s responsibility to allow official notifications, such as emails and social media notifications, from the College that relate to their studies. Students have the right to deny or restrict College notifications. Should students elect to deny notifications the College shall not be held responsible for any outcomes that arise as a consequence of this. 


3.2.1 The content displayed on the Beaumont website, workbooks and its associated entities is the property of the Beaumont Business College. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.


3.3.1 All information provided by, in or on any Beaumont entity is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Should you decide to act upon any information from any Beaumont entity, you do so at your own risk.

3.3.2 While the information Beaumont entities has been verified to the best of our knowledge, we cannot guarantee that there are no mistakes or errors.


4.1.1 Students are not permitted to transfer between courses once enrollment has been finalized.

4.1.2 Students should carefully read and consider the course information provided on each program of study prior to commencement.

4.1.3 Additionally, a course cannot be transferred from one student to a different individual once enrollment has been completed.

4.1.4 The name under which the student enrolls is the name used for graduation and the testamur (certificate). It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure that they are completely knowledgeable with all course requirements prior to enrolling. 


4.2.1 Students can obtain a 2 week extension at no charge for their course on the grounds of illness or other serious and unavoidable circumstances.

4.2.2 To apply for an extension students must contact the College administration (details on the Help page of the site) and make a formal request for the extension, detailing the nature of the unavoidable circumstances or illness and provide a letter from an authorised body attesting to the circumstances. The extension is added to the course expiry date. 

4.2.3 For non-critical circumstances (e.g. holidays, marriage etc.) additional extensions can be purchased at $100.00 per month, for a maximum total of 3-months. These extensions run consecutively and commence from the date requested by the student.

4.2.4 Extensions cannot be given more than 3 months in advance of the commencement date, and must be paid in advance prior to the granting of the extension. Refer to the Beaumont College website for individual course durations and/or for details of time allocated to complete your course and graduate.

5.1) Students enrolled in self-paced programs are considered to have commenced their course from the date that they receive their enrollment notification and course access details.

5.2) It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have a complete understanding of all course requirements prior to enrolling.


5.2.1) If a student has paid course fees and administration charges in full prior course commencement and submitted the Beaumont College Cancellation Request Form within either 14 days from their Enrollment date AND prior to progressing past the completion of the first subject (whichever falls first), a refund of 50% of the course fee will be issued within 30 working days. Administration charges are non refundable.

5.2.2) Any 3rd party transaction fees incurred by The College for processing refunds will be deducted from the refund amount. Additionally, the College applies a $100 processing fee to cover administration costs for all refunds.


5.3.1) Students on full scholarships, in which course fees have been waived, are not entitled to refunds as no course fees were paid. Administration fees are not refundable.

5.3.2) If a student has received a scholarship offer, but not enrolled no course or administration fees apply. The College reserves the right to withdraw the scholarship offer if it has not been redeemed after 3 weeks of offer.

5.3.3) It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they apply their scholarship code when enrolling and are satisfied with the fee charged before proceeding with their order. If students or teachers make a mistake, or fail to apply their code, then no refunds are given. 


5.4.1) Students on partial scholarships, in which a percentage of course fees have been waived, are entitled to a refund under the same conditions as full fee paying (non scholarship) students detailed above.

6.1) Upon successful completion of courses students, deemed by the student, will be provided with a link to a course testamur. The student may print these for their records and public display.

6.2) The College does not provide framed certificates. However, students may have their certificates framed according to their personal preferences. 

6.3) Hard copies of graduation documents are not provided. Certificates of Attainment are populated with the completion date and the student’s name under which they enrolled. Accordingly, it is strongly suggested students enroll under their legal name.

6.4) Beaumont College takes no responsibility for the name under which students enroll and changes will not be made to the student name once course completion has passed under any circumstances.

6.5) Records of student progress, day or registration, and graduation, are kept in a secure online location (see the Privacy Policy).

6.6) While the College retains a record of your results students are advised to keep a copy of their graduation documents in a secure location such as cloud storage or attached as an email to themselves.

6.7) If students require a replacement of their testamur they must make a written request to the College, setting out your reasons and providing sufficient identification that has been notorised by a Justice of the Peace or other accredited body. The replacement testamur is in the form of a PDF emailed to the student email address used at the time of enrollment. A $100.00 replacement fee applies per document.

6.8) After the expiry date of their course access students will no longer have access to course materials. Students retain the use of all workbooks during and after graduation. For course access duration refer to the course pages. 

7.1) Beaumont College is committed to ensuring that the learning environment is free from discrimination and harassment. In the event that discrimination or harassment is found to have occurred, disciplinary action will be taken against any staff member or fellow student who breaches this policy.

7.2) Suspected criminal behaviour will be reported to police authorities immediately.

7.3) Students should expect fair and friendly behaviour from all Beaumont College representatives and fellow students.

7.4) Students who feel that they have been discriminated against, bullied or harassed should report this information to the College. This will initiate a complaints handling procedure (detailed below) which will be fair and transparent and will protect your rights as a complainant.

8.1.1) A complaint is negative feedback received by The College about services or staff which has not been resolved locally. Complaints should be made via email, or to a social media moderator, and they do not need to be formally documented in order to be acted on. Complaints may be made by any person but are generally made by students and/or College representatives.

8.2.1) An appeal is an application by a student for reconsideration of an unfavourable resolution to a complaint.

8.2.2) An appeal must be made in writing and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of informing the student of the decision or finding. 

8.2.3) Complaints and Appeals are managed at Beaumont in accordance with the principles of ‘procedural fairness’, also known as ‘natural justice’.

Both terms are used interchangeably. The opportunity to be heard by an impartial decision maker is at the heart of the rules of procedural fairness/natural justice. It requires a procedurally fair hearing and an unbiased decision being made. All parties to a complaint (complainant and respondent) must be afforded natural justice.

These rules of Natural Justice apply whenever the rights or legitimate expectations of an  individual are affected by a decision. Satisfying the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness will vary according to the specific circumstances. There are however important basic principles that apply to every situation. 

Natural Justice requires:

  • The right to be heard;
  • The right to be treated without bias;
  • A decision being based on relevant evidence.



When a complaint is raised, Beaumont will maintain confidentiality to the maximum extent possible, taking into account its obligation to provide a safe  environment and to afford natural justice to those against whom a complaint is made. Students, employees or representatives of Beaumont who are directly involved with a complaint or an accompanying investigation must maintain confidentiality. A failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

Where an allegation is made against another person, that person is entitled to be afforded natural justice – a right to have their side of the story heard and respond to those allegations. When a complaint is raised, Beaumont will appoint someone (internal or external to the company) to investigate the complaint.
This person will collect and consider all relevant evidence before making a determination. Complaints Persons are to remain impartial, as far as is reasonably practicable.
Victimisation means adversely treating a student or employee who has raised a complaint or has assisted someone in raising a complaint. Victimisation is unlawful and will not be tolerated at Beaumont College. Any incidents of victimisation should be immediately reported to The College.

Once a concern or a complaint has been raised options include following The College internal informal or formal procedure, or raising the complaint with an external agency.

(i) Students agree to seek a reasonable solution to their complaint via the Beaumont informal procedures first. Should the informal resolution procedure not deliver an outcome acceptable to either the College or student, the student agrees to seek reasonable solution to their complaint via the College’s stated formal procedures.

(ii) Should the formal procedures also not provide a resolution to the complaint to the satisfaction of all parties involved, then the complainant agrees to have the case heard in the small claims court, Brisbane, Australia. 

8.3.5 Free Courses
We do not enter into any complaints process for free courses. If students are not satisfied with their free course then they agree to stop accessing the course and all Beaumont materials, and agree that no further recourse or discussion will be entered into by them (the student), the College, or any 3rd parties. 


9.1.1) The informal complaint procedure is suited to less serious issues, such as interpersonal conflict with a College representative, fellow student, or the application of College policies and procedures. The informal procedure may also be appropriate where the parties are likely to continue working together. In these cases the student may email The College detailing the nature of their complaint. If any supporting evidence is required it will be requested. 

9.1.2) If the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the matter will be concluded. If the matter is not resolved, the supervisor handling the complaint will determine whether any further action is required. The complainant may also make a formal complaint. For efficiency, information collected during the informal complaint procedure may be provided to the person handling the formal complaint.


Stage One – Formal Complaint
9.2.1) Formal complaints must be submitted in writing to the College here. Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days and the complaints process will commence within 10 days of the receipt of the written complaint and all reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable.

9.2.2) The College representative will then, if necessary, seek to clarify the outcome that the complainant hopes to achieve. Such clarification may be sought by written or verbal request at an interview with the complainant. When such clarification occurs in a face-to-face interview (Zoom) the complainant or respondent may ask another person to accompany them.

9.2.3) The College representative will then endeavour to resolve the complaint and provide a written report to the complainant on the steps taken to address the complaint, including the reasons for the decision, within 10 working days. The report will further advise the complainant of their right to access the internal appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their formal complaint.

Stage Two – Internal Appeal
9.2.4) If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they may lodge an appeal by writing to the College Head of School. Where possible such consultations should take the form of face-to-face interviews. The complainant or the respondent may ask another person to accompany them to these interviews.

Following the consultation, the Head of School, or their nominee, will provide a written report to the complainant advising the further steps taken to address the complaint, including the reasons for the decision, within 10 working days. The report will further advise the complainant of their right to access the external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their internal appeal.

Stage Three – External Appeal
9.2.5) If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their appeal, they may make a written request to The College that they wish the matter be dealt with through an external dispute resolution process facilitated by an independent third party mediator acceptable to both parties. While the College aims to resolve complaints internally, students may seek the assistance of an outside agency at any time and/or lodge a formal complaint with Queensland Fair Trading:



At any stage during the informal or formal complaint procedure, the complainant may withdraw or discontinue their complaint. If the complaint is being handled under the formal complaint procedure, the withdrawal or discontinuance should be made in writing. If a complaint is withdrawn or discontinued the College may still take action to address the issues raised in the complaint, if the College considers it appropriate to do so. 

Beaumont College encourages the reporting of behaviours that a student genuinely believes to be discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying.

9.4.1) However, if a complaint is found to be frivolous, vexatious or malicious, then appropriate disciplinary action up to, but not limited to, student expulsion and, in the case of criminal activity, to the police.

Examples of frivolous, vexatious or malicious complaints include:

  • Fabricating a complaint against the college, its employees or representatives, or other students
  • Making a complaint with the intention of deliberately harming someone (e.g. for the purposes of revenge)
  • Making a meritless complaint to harass or sub-due someone
  • Seeking to re-agitate issues that have already been addressed or determined
  • Making a complaint against reasonable management actions
  • Making a complaint that the complainant does not genuinely believe to be true.

Admission Criteria

For entry into self-paced courses, you must be at least 18 years of age, or of an age that legally allows you to undertake the offered course in your country of residence at the time of enrollment. Applicants must also possess the necessary skills to reasonably undertake the course. This entails that you (the applicant) have the English language, literacy and numeracy skills to be able to satisfactorily complete the desired program. The student takes responsibility for assessing their ability for the above skills. No formal testing of ability is undertaken by Beaumont. 

To help you with assess your ability to complete a desired course you are encouraged to view the sample lessons provided on the Beaumont website prior to enrolling in any course.


Your completed online enrollment form acts as confirmation that you accept and commit to paying the fees, as they are stated on the online fees and charges for your chosen course, and / or via a payment portal. For any forms submitted electronically, in lieu of your signature, you will need to read and agree to the terms and conditions, Privacy Statement and Fees & Charges online to submit your form, by doing so you accept the terms and conditions fully. Ticking all required boxes at the time of paying, but prior to submitting an enrollment form, confirms and verifies that the student has a full understanding of all terms & conditions, fees & charges and knowingly and willingly accepts all terms.Within 12/48 hours of receiving your enrollment and receiving payment, you will be issued an email containing your student information. This email contains all relevant commencement information and your username and password that will enable you to access your online materials. In the event that you do not receive an email after 48 hours of enrollment you should contact the College administration and notify them of the situation. The College provides flexible delivery with all online courses. Students are responsible their internet access to the College.

Course Materials

As an online course, course materials are provided as soft copy i.e. students are issued log in and password details to access courses. No hard copy materials and/or textbooks are provided. Students must have access to their own computer, printer, and internet access. The College does not require students to purchase text books however links to educational resources may be provided free of charge. The provision or withdrawal of these resources may change without notice.

Online course materials, such as lessons and/or workbooks, may be revised or amended at anytime the College deems necessary. Students will be notified of any substantial changes to the course materials via email and College associated social media entities. It is the student’s responsibility to allow official notifications, such as emails and social media notifications, from the College that relate to their studies. Students have the right to deny or restrict College notifications. Should students elect to deny notifications the College shall not be held responsible for any outcomes that arise as a consequence of this. 

Refund Policy
Students enrolled in self-paced programs are considered to have commenced their course from the date that they recieve their enrollment notification and course access details. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have a complete understanding of all course requirements prior to enrolling. 


If a student has paid course fees and administration charges in full prior course commencement and submitted the Beaumont College Cancellation Request Form within either 14 days from their Enrollment date AND prior to progressing past the completion of the first subject (whichever falls first), a refund of 50% of the course fee will be issued within 30 working days. Administration charges are non refundable. Any 3rd party transaction fees incurred by The College for processing refunds will be deducted from the refund amount. Additionally, the College applies a $100 processing fee to cover administration costs for all refunds.


Students on full PBMI scholarships, in which course fees have been waived, are not entitled to refunds as no course fees were paid. Administration fees are not refundable. If a student has received a scholarship offer, but not enrolled no course or administration fees  apply. The College reserves the right to withdraw the scholarship offer if it has not been redeemed after 3 weeks of offer. 


Students on partial scholarships, in which a percentage of course fees have been waived, are entitled to a refund under the same conditions as full fee paying (non scholarship) students detailed above.

Transfers & Extensions



Students are not permitted to transfer between courses once enrollment has been finalized. Students should carefully read and consider the course information provided on each program of study prior to commencement. Additionally, a course cannot be transferred from one student to a different individual once enrollment has been completed. The name under which the student enrolls is the name used for graduation and the testamur (certificate). It is the Student’s responsibility to ensure that they are completely knowledgeable with all course requirements prior to enrolling. 


Students can obtain a 2 week extension at no charge for their course on the grounds of illness or other serious and unavoidable circumstances. To apply for an extension students must contact the College administration (details on the Help page of the site) and make a formal request for the extension, detailing the nature of the unavoidable circumstances or illness and provide a letter from an authorised body attesting to the circumstances. The extension is added to the course expiry date. 

For non-critical circumstances (e.g. holidays, marriage etc.) additional extensions can be purchased at $100.00 per month, for a maximum total of 3-months. These extensions run consecutively and commence from the date requested by the student. Extensions cannot be given more than 3 months in advance of the commencement date, and must be paid in advance prior to the granting of the extension. Refer to the Beaumont College website for individual course durations and/or for details of time allocated to complete your course and graduate.


Upon successful completion of courses students will be provided with a link to a final Academic Transcript that lists the course subjects undertaken and a Certificate of Attainment (testamur) in PDF form. The student may print these for their records and public display. Hard copies of graduation documents are not provided. Certificates of Attainment are populated with the completion date and the student’s name under which they enrolled. Accordingly, it is strongly suggested students enrol under their legal name. Beaumont College takes no responsibility for the name under which students enroll and changes will not be made to the student name once course completion has passed under any circumstances.

Records of all graduates are kept in a secure online location (see the Privacy Policy). While the College retains a record of your results students are advised to keep a copy of their graduation documents in a secure location such as cloud storage or attached as an email to themselves. If students require a replacement of any of their graduation documentation they must make a written request to the College, setting out your reasons and providing sufficient identification that has been notorised by a Justice of the Peace or other accredited body. A $100.00 replacement fee applies per document.


Beaumont College is committed to ensuring that the learning environment is free from discrimination and harassment. In the event that discrimination or harassment is found to have occurred, disciplinary action will be taken against any staff member or fellow student who breaches this policy. Suspected criminal behaviour will be reported to police authorities immediately.

Students should expect fair and friendly behaviour from all Beaumont College representatives and fellow students. Students who feel that they have been discriminated against, bullied or harassed should report this information to the College. This will initiate a complaints handling procedure (detailed below) which will be fair and transparent and will protect your rights as a complainant.


What is a complaint?

A complaint is negative feedback received by The College about services or staff which has not been resolved locally. Complaints should be made via email, or to a social media moderator, and they do not need to be formally documented in order to be acted on. Complaints may be made by any person but are generally made by students and/or College representatives.

What is an appeal?

An appeal is an application by a student for reconsideration of an unfavourable resolution to a complaint. An appeal must be made in writing and specify the particulars of the decision or finding in dispute. Appeals must be lodged within 28 days of informing the student of the decision or finding. 

Complaints and Appeals are managed at Beaumont in accordance with the principles of ‘procedural fairness’, also known as ‘natural justice’. Both terms are used interchangeably. The opportunity to be heard by an impartial decision maker is at the heart of the rules of procedural fairness/natural justice. It requires a procedurally fair hearing and an unbiased decision being made. All parties to a complaint (complainant and respondent) must be afforded natural justice. These rules of Natural Justice apply whenever the rights or legitimate expectations of an  individual are affected by a decision. Satisfying the rules of natural justice and procedural fairness will vary according to the specific circumstances. There are however important basic principles that apply to every situation. 

Natural Justice requires:

  • the right to be heard;
  • the right to be treated without bias;
  • a decision being based on relevant evidence.



When a complaint is raised, Beaumont will maintain confidentiality to the maximum extent possible, taking into account its obligation to provide a safe  environment and to afford natural justice to those against whom a complaint is made. Students, employees or representatives of Beaumont who are directly involved with a complaint or an accompanying investigation must maintain confidentiality. A failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

Natural justice and impartiality
Where an allegation is made against another person, that person is entitled to be afforded natural justice – a right to have their side of the story heard and respond to those allegations. When a complaint is raised, Beaumont will appoint someone (internal or external to the company) to investigate the complaint. This person will collect and consider all relevant evidence before making a determination. Complaints Persons are to remain impartial, as far as is reasonably practicable.

No victimisation
Victimisation means adversely treating a student or employee who has raised a complaint or has assisted someone in raising a complaint. Victimisation is unlawful and will not be tolerated at Beaumont College. Any incidents of victimisation should be immediately reported to The College.

Dealing with complaints

Once a concern or a complaint has been raised options include following The College internal informal or formal procedure, or raising the complaint with an external agency. Students agree to seek a reasonable solution to their complaint via the Beaumont informal procedures first. Should the informal resolution procedure not deliver an outcome acceptable to either the College or student, the student agrees to seek reasonable solution to their complaint via the College’s stated formal procedures. Should the formal procedures also not provide a resolution to the complaint to the satisfaction of all parties involved, then the complainant agrees to have the case heard in the small claims court, Brisbane, Australia. 




Informal Complaint Procedures
The informal complaint procedure is suited to less serious issues, such as interpersonal conflict with a College representative, fellow student, or the application of College policies and procedures. The informal procedure may also be appropriate where the parties are likely to continue working together. In these cases the student may email The College detailing the nature of their complaint. If any supporting evidence is required it will be requested. If the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, the matter will be concluded. If the matter is not resolved, the supervisor handling the complaint will determine whether any further action is required. The complainant may also make a formal complaint. For efficiency, information collected during the informal complaint procedure may be provided to the person handling the formal complaint.


Formal Complaint Procedures


Stage One – Formal Complaint
Formal complaints must be submitted in writing to the College using a Student Complaint Form available XXXXXXXXX. Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days and the complaints process will commence within 10 days of the receipt of the written complaint and all reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable.

The College representative will then, if necessary, seek to clarify the outcome that the complainant hopes to achieve. Such clarification may be sought by written or verbal request at an interview with the complainant. When such clarification occurs in a face-to-face interview (Zoom) the complainant or respondent may ask another person to accompany them.

The College representative will then endeavour to resolve the complaint and provide a written report to the complainant on the steps taken to address the complaint, including the reasons for the decision, within 10 working days. The report will further advise the complainant of their right to access the internal appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their formal complaint.

Stage Two – Internal Appeal
If a complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint, they may lodge an appeal by writing to the College Head of School. Where possible such consultations should take the form of face-to-face interviews. The complainant or the respondent may ask another person to accompany them to these interviews. Following the consultation, the Head of School, or their nominee, will provide a written report to the complainant advising the further steps taken to address the complaint, including the reasons for the decision, within 10 working days. The report will further advise the complainant of their right to access the external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their internal appeal.

Stage Three – External Appeal
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of their appeal, they may make a written request to The College that they wish the matter be dealt with through an external dispute resolution process facilitated by an independent third party mediator acceptable to both parties. While the College aims to resolve complaints internally, students may seek the assistance of an outside agency at any time and/or lodge a formal complaint with Queensland Fair Trading:

Withdrawal or discontinuation of complaint
At any stage during the informal or formal complaint procedure, the complainant may withdraw or discontinue their complaint. If the complaint is being handled under the formal complaint procedure, the withdrawal or discontinuance should be made in writing. If a complaint is withdrawn or discontinued the College may still take action to address the issues raised in the complaint, if the College considers it appropriate to do so. 

Frivolous, vexatious or malicious complaints
Beaumont College encourages the reporting of behaviours that a student genuinely believes to be discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or bullying. However, if a complaint is found to be frivolous, vexatious or malicious, then appropriate disciplinary action up to expulsion may be invoked against the complainant. Examples of frivolous, vexatious or malicious complaints include:

  • Fabricating a complaint
  • Making a complaint with the intention of deliberately harming someone (e.g. for the purposes of revenge)
  • Making a meritless complaint to harass or sub-due someone
  • Seeking to re-agitate issues that have already been addressed or determined
  • Making a complaint against reasonable management actions
  • Making a complaint that the complainant does not genuinely believe to be true


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© 2025 Beaumont Business College

Keep it simple

Don't make this harder than it really is. Just think like a consumer and keep your ideas simple for now. All we're doing here is getting used to thinking about our company critically and like a business person.

In the upcoming lessons we'll investigate these ideas in more depth.


Maybe the company you’re thinking of is a cafe that has great products.  But are there other cafe’s around that also sell great products that are similar? This may suggest a product orientation. What would a marketing orientation do?

As a consumer what else would you like this company to do?